Our Story
One day on maternity leave back in January 2015 I had an idea (DANGEROUS!)
There was literally NO baby bibs on the market that were cute and functional (cue velcro and horrendous material). Off I went with my 5 month old in tow to Spotlight. My creative mind was buzzing, I purchased a $200 sewing machine and a handful of cute fabric with absolutely no idea how to sew, let alone thread cotton onto a bobbin.
Within a few hours we had some uneven wonky bibs but eventually landed a functional and sweet bandana design that I was happy with. I had an urge to get these out to other Mums and so I needed a business name... and so Lulu & Lo was born - being mine & my daughters nicknames.
Instagram wasn’t big but it was where my little idea flourished and over the past 7 years our platform has grown to over 21,000 followers and without tooting my own horn I’d say we have the most luxe, absorbent and sought after bibs on the market. Proud to say myself and my production team pump out hundreds of handmade bibs each week. If you’re still reading, HELLO and welcome to our little dream 💭 x